FIDIC Guidance on COVID-19

26 March 2020
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The International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) has issued a guidance note for engineering consultancy firms in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The FIDIC Guidance for Global Consulting Engineering Businesses provides a detailed overview of key considerations, as well as recommendations to help function through and beyond the crisis.

Industry-Specific Recommendations. Whilst directed at consulting engineering services, the guidance note includes valuable information for the infrastructure industry more broadly. FIDIC sets out specific areas of concern at the board, management and staff levels respectively, providing suggestions for how best to manage the business disruption at each level. The guidance note also explores the implications on cash flow of a prolonged pandemic.

Online Resources. The FIDIC guidance note includes a list of external resources for industry professionals and advises businesses on how to take advantage of the online resources available to assist with planning during the crisis. Debevoise & Plimpton now has a dedicated Coronavirus Resource Center with up-to-date information, including checklists, practical references and current thinking on a range of topics, all aimed at addressing our clients’ emerging needs.

Moving Forward

  • FIDIC’s guidance note will continue to be revised to keep the document relevant and take any industry feedback into account.
  • FIDIC is developing a series of webinar programmes to supplement the guidance note and provide insight on how the industry is addressing the challenges presented by the pandemic.
  • FIDIC will provide any updated materials on its website and social media platforms.