
  • UN/Multilateral

    • UN Secretariat for the World Humanitarian Summit in issues of governance and human rights related to the humanitarian sector, and in preparation of the WHS Synthesis Report.
    • UN Development System in conducting a large-scale governance review to make the UNDS more aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
    • The NYC Bar Association’s delegation in meetings resulting in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
    • The UN Global Compact in a 2+ years long project on the development and roll out of a procurement strategy and practices that promote ESG and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
    • UN Global Compact in the development and implementation of the Action Platform on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.
    • The NYC Bar Association in developing an online resource to ensure greater inclusion of citizen perspectives good governance in the 2016 process to select the UN Secretary-General.
  • Corporate

    • A major sovereign wealth fund in the development and implementation of its sustainable investing strategy and governance framework.
    • A Ghanaian conglomerate operating in extractives and other industries in issues of sustainability, governance, human rights, regulation, and compliance.
    • A multinational oil and gas company’s Nigerian entity in designing a governance and compliance framework, inclusive of anti-corruption-related whistleblower program and complaint mechanism. The project included fieldwork in Abuja, Lagos and the Niger Delta.
    • A South African mining company in governance, corruption and human rights risk exposure, and the development of a governance and compliance framework to mitigate risk.
    • Various corporate clients in developing governance and regulatory models that reduce the risk of international sanctions and human rights violations.
    • State-owned enterprises in South America in adapting their governance programs to better compete in a globalized energy market, including through the development and implementation of sustainable procurement practices, programs to fight corruption and advance human rights and good governance.
    • An African oil and gas multinational in social development and broad sustainability issues.
    • An international infrastructure and engineering consultancy in an internal investigation involving the World Bank.
    • A Colombia-based multinational in a review into its approach to governance, and in international best practices related to sustainability, anti-bribery and corruption regulation.
  • Government

    • British Parliament in a year-long study considering the effectiveness of UK anti-corruption programming from the perspective of the sustainability of its impact on the poor, culminating in the report “DFID’s Approach to Corruption and Its Impact on the Poor”, with particular attention to the extractives industry.
    • African Union member states, in partnership with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, in developing governance frameworks to tackle illicit financial flows.
  • Civil Society

    • World Vision International in its governance risk assessment.
    • A UK-based NGO in issues related to governance and rule of law in the post-2015 development agenda.
    • Camfed, the girls education NGO, in a three-year study into its inclusive governance model, involving fieldwork in Malawi, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, culminating in the report “Camfed Governance: Accounting to the Girl – Working Towards a Standard for Governance in the International Development Sector”.
    • A Philippines-based NGO in an investigation by USAID and related governance issues.


  • Cornell Law School, 2007, J.D.
  • University of Illinois, 1997, B.A.