Andrew M. Ostrognai was a partner from 1999 through 2019, and is now retired from active practice.
Mr. Ostrognai represented a wide range of sponsors and investors in their fund formation, fund investment and related activities, including:
Mr. Ostrognai has extensive experience in forming all types of funds, from large pan-Asian buy-out funds to smaller focused sector or country-specific funds, as well as separate account programs and foreign-sponsored, RMB-denominated private equity funds. Mr. Ostrognai also has strong experience in various types of secondary transactions.
Mr. Ostrognai was named to Private Equity International’s first-ever “Legal Power 30,” a list of the 30 most influential private equity lawyers globally. Mr. Ostrognai was also named by Expert Guides in its Best of the Best list, which names the 30 leading private equity lawyers in the world. Mr. Ostrognai was named in China Business Law Journal’s inaugural “A-List,” which identified the top 100 private practice lawyers for the China market.
Mr. Ostrognai was ranked as a Senior Statesperson by Chambers Global for investment fund work in China. Chambers Asia-Pacific marked him out as the sole lawyer in the Senior Statespeople category for Investment Funds in China. The guides quoted a client in noting that “he's the one guy you would like to be on your side”, while another said “he's just got tremendous experience; I think there's nothing he hasn't seen before in terms of clauses and structures, so the level of sophistication of things he's done really shines through”. Chambers Global quoted sources describing Mr. Ostrognai as an “undisputed leader” with a “very deep knowledge and quick turnaround.” He is said to gain “serious respect” from peers thanks to his profound knowledge of private equity funds. Chambers Asia-Pacific stated that he had “the best expertise in the market” and “is held in especially high regard by peers and major funds clients,” quotes sources describing him as “charismatic and effective” and “a thoughtful lawyer who provides good advice, is very accessible and is always responsive.” Chambers Asia-Pacific also previously described Mr. Ostrognai as “the granddaddy of Asian fund formation” and “the strongest fundraising senior lawyer in Asia.”
The Legal 500, which listed Mr. Ostrognai in its Hall of Fame for investment funds in Hong Kong, described him as “a towering presence” and “giant of the private equity space.” He was also recognized as a “market leader” for fund formation in IFLR1000. In addition, Mr. Ostrognai was listed in Who’s Who Legal amongst a select group of 27 global Thought Leaders for private funds. The guide stated that he is “internationally renowned” and that “for private equity fund formation, ‘there is nobody better.’”
Mr. Ostrognai was part of a team which Chambers Global said “is regarded as the gold standard regarding fund formation” in Asia. The Legal 500 Asia Pacific stated that the team “is the Rolls-Royce of fund formation.” IFLR1000 reported that “a rival says: ‘They are the best in Asia.’ Another client agreed: ‘Hands-down, Debevoise has the premier fund establishment practice here. Their work ethic is incredible and they are a pleasure to work with, even during stressful times on difficult issues.’”
Mr. Ostrognai received his B.A. in 1986 from Yale University and his J.D. in 1989 from the University of Chicago Law School.
欧阳安(Andrew M. Ostrognai)律师常驻美国德普律师事务所香港分所,为公司业务部的合伙人,并担任亚洲私募股权业务部主管。他同时是德普私募股权业务团队的一员,执业领域侧重于亚太地区私募股权基金的设立及下游投资业务。
欧阳安律师入选《国际私募基金》(Private Equity International)杂志的首次“Legal Power 30”评选的全球私募股权基金领域最具影响力的30名律师之一,并且在该评选的最新版本中依然榜上有名。他还入选《专家指引》(Experts Guides)评选的全球30名最杰出的私募股权律师的“最佳之最”名单。欧阳安律师入选《商法》杂志(China Business Law Journal)评选的中国100位最佳私人执业律师的第一期“A-List”名单。
《全球钱伯斯》将欧阳安律师评为中国投资基金业务的“业界元老(Senior Statesperson)”。《亚太钱伯斯》将欧阳安律师评为惟一一位入选中国投资基金“业界元老(Senior Statesperson)”类别的律师。该指南引用客户的话表示“他是你最希望获得其支持的那个人”,另一位客户则表示“他的经验太丰富了,我认为在条款和结构方面没有什么是他未曾见识过的,他办的事处处体现了其高明和老道。” 《全球钱伯斯》引用媒体对欧阳安律师的评价:“毫无争议的领先者”,“具有丰富的知识且总是能迅速解决客户的问题”。据称,他因为深厚的私募基金的知识而备受同行的尊敬。《亚太钱伯斯》称“他的专业知识业界最佳”,“备受同行和大型基金客户的尊敬”,并引用媒体对他的评价:“充满人格魅力,工作卓有成效”,“一位考虑周到的律师,提供优质的法律意见,平易近人,总是积极响应客户需求。”该杂志此前还曾描述欧阳安律师为“亚洲基金设立的鼻祖”和“亚洲最强的资深募资律师”。
《法律500强》将欧阳安律师列入其香港投资基金“名人堂”名单,称欧阳安为“私募股权领域卓越律师”。《国际金融法律评论1000》(IFLR 1000)杂志认可他为基金设立业务的“市场引领者”。此外,欧阳安律师的名字还被收录进《法律名人录》(Who’s Who Legal),获提名全球27名私募基金领域之“意见领袖”精英团体中的一员。该名录称欧阳安律师为“国际知名律师”,为“私募基金设立业务领域最佳律师”。
欧阳安律师是欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)MBA课程中私募股权基金设立课题的常任客座讲师。他还担任《Mastering Private Equity》一书(John Wiley & Sons出版社,2017年出版)的特邀评论员。
欧阳安律师担任“International Care Ministries”的副会长,该协会是一家致力于帮助菲律宾最贫困人口的慈善机构。他还是香港公益创投“心苗(亚洲)慈善基金”的董事会成员,以及耶鲁亚洲发展委员会的成员。