Diversity & Inclusion

At Debevoise, we are committed to building and sustaining an inclusive community in which all of our lawyers can thrive, an goal that we believe is aligned with our ability to provide the best legal services to our clients. That’s why we are convinced that the inclusion, sponsorship and advancement of lawyers of color, women lawyers and LGBTQ+ lawyers within the firm are not only the right thing to do for our community, but cornerstones of our continued success.

By the Numbers

Diversity Committee and Affinity Groups

Our affinity groups and their programs not only provide opportunities for members of each group to learn how to successfully develop and grow at the firm, but also facilitate the creation of informal relationships across groups that last throughout lawyers' careers.
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D&I Programming

Learn More About Our Programs
In 2021, Debevoise decided to seek Mansfield Rule certification, which is awarded to firms that have at least 30% women lawyers, lawyers from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, lawyers with disabilities and/or LGBTQ+ lawyers in candidate pools for significant leadership roles and opportunities. Mansfield Rule Certification is evaluated over a 12-month period, and Debevoise will attempt certification in 2022.

Awards and Recognitions

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