Biodiversity 101: A Guide to the Next Frontier in the “E” of ESG

26 October 2023

Following the December 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference and resulting Global Biodiversity Framework agreement, the world has increasingly focused on biodiversity-related concerns. Yet for many businesses, even those deeply engaged on climate change and other aspects of ESG, biodiversity is a relatively new area, one that’s ripe for consideration.

In order to help facilitate such consideration, Debevoise has prepared a primer exploring recent biodiversity developments and considerations for companies and financial institutions looking to design their own biodiversity strategies.

This primer first introduces the topic of biodiversity and its economic implications before detailing global regulatory and policy developments. It then outlines biodiversity-related risks for companies and financial institutions across sectors and provides guidance on steps businesses can take to assess their exposure to and mitigate biodiversity-related risks. In addition, it provides a Biodiversity Engagement Framework that sets out a checklist of guiding questions to assist an organization’s assessment of its biodiversity dependencies, risks, and impacts, and actions to address them.

To access the primer, click here.