Mary Beth Hogan is of counsel in the firm’s New York office. She is the former Co-Chair of the Litigation Department and served on the Firm’s ...
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NYU Compliance & Enforcement: Seven Steps to Mitigate Hazing Risks
9 October 2023
NYU Compliance & Enforcement
Helen V. Cantwell
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Arian M. June
, Daniel Alford
, Omid Golmohammadi
Seven Steps to Mitigate Hazing Risks
26 September 2023
Helen V. Cantwell
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Arian M. June
, Daniel Alford
, Omid Golmohammadi
NYU Compliance & Enforcement: The Supreme Court’s Upcoming Affirmative Action Decision: Potential Implications for Private-Sector Employers
1 June 2023
NYU Compliance & Enforcement
Jyotin Hamid
, Simone S. Hicks
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Arian M. June
, Tricia Bozyk Sherno
, Katelyn Masket
The Supreme Court’s Upcoming Affirmative Action Decision: Potential Implications for Private-Sector Employers
22 May 2023
Jyotin Hamid
, Simone S. Hicks
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Arian M. June
, Tricia Bozyk Sherno
, Katelyn Masket
New York’s Adult Survivors Act to Take Effect on November 24, 2022
22 November 2022
Helen V. Cantwell
, Mark P. Goodman
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Arian M. June
, Tricia Bozyk Sherno
President Biden’s Nominee for CFPB Director Confirmed, Expected to Continue to Ramp up Enforcement
5 October 2021
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
, David A. O'Neil
, Alexandra N. Mogul
SEC Adopts Amendments to Whistleblower Rules to Enhance Program Efficiency and Effectiveness
24 September 2020
Kara Brockmeyer
, Andrew J. Ceresney
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Arian M. June
, Robert B. Kaplan
, Julie M. Riewe
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
OCC Issues Proposed "True Lender" Rule
28 July 2020
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
, Alexandra N. Mogul
, Caroline N. Swett
Compliance & Enforcement: Insulated No More: The Seila Decision and the End of the Independent CFPB Director
2 July 2020
Compliance & Enforcement
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
, Erol Gulay
, Alexandra N. Mogul
Insulated No More: The Seila Decision and the End of the Independent CFPB Director
30 June 2020
Mary Beth Hogan
, Courtney M. Dankworth
, Gregory J. Lyons
, Erol Gulay
, Alexandra N. Mogul
Banking Agencies Seeking to Make “Valid When Made” Valid for Fintech
16 June 2020
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
, Alexandra N. Mogul
Reopening Schools in the COVID-19 Climate: Legal Issues to Consider
16 June 2020
Mary Beth Hogan
, Maura Kathleen Monaghan
, Elliot Greenfield
, Tricia Bozyk Sherno
, Amy C. Zimmerman
Supreme Court Rules that Title VII Prohibits Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Transgender Status
16 June 2020
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Tricia Bozyk Sherno
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Releases Rules for Comprehensive Reform of Debt Collection Industry
3 June 2019
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
, Alexandra N. Mogul
District Court Opinion Criticizes Government “Outsourcing” of Investigations
6 May 2019
Helen V. Cantwell
, Andrew J. Ceresney
, David A. O'Neil
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Mary Jo White
, Bruce E. Yannett
, Erich O. Grosz
Consensual Relationships Policies in the #MeToo Era
13 February 2019
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Tricia Bozyk Sherno
SEC Announces Record-Breaking Year for Whistleblower Program
26 November 2018
Andrew J. Ceresney
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Andrew M. Levine
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Mary Jo White
, Arian M. June
Imminent New Laws to Combat Sexual Harassment in New York
16 April 2018
Lawrence K. Cagney
, Helen V. Cantwell
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Meir D. Katz
, Elizabeth Pagel Serebransky
Supreme Court Clarifies Scope of Dodd-Frank’s Whistleblower Protections
22 February 2018
Kara Brockmeyer
, Andrew J. Ceresney
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Robert B. Kaplan
, Julie M. Riewe
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Mary Jo White
, Arian M. June
Ninth Circuit Widens Split Over Application of Dodd-Frank’s Whistleblower Protections
13 March 2017
Andrew J. Ceresney
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Julie M. Riewe
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Arian M. June
, Mark D. Flinn
SEC Brings Two Enforcement Actions Against Employers for Taking Steps to Impede Whistleblower Activity
20 January 2017
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Julie M. Riewe
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Arian M. June
, Mark D. Flinn
SEC Exams Focus on Whistleblower Compliance by Investment Advisers and Brokers
26 October 2016
Kenneth J. Berman
, Jyotin Hamid
, Michael P. Harrell
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Robert B. Kaplan
, Julie M. Riewe
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
DC Circuit Strips CFPB of Its Independence, Vacates Enforcement Order Against PHH
17 October 2016
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
SEC Brings First Stand-Alone Anti-Retaliation Enforcement Action Under Dodd-Frank
4 October 2016
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Mark D. Flinn
SEC Brings Action Against Employer for Agreements Requiring Employees to Waive Recovery if They Blow the Whistle
11 August 2016
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Outlines Plan for Comprehensive Reform of Debt Collection Industry
10 August 2016
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
Enforcement Outlook For Foreign Banks In New York
1 July 2016
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
, David Sarratt
The Outlook in Enforcement Actions against Foreign Banks at the New NYDFS
16 June 2016
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
, David Sarratt
A Modest Proposal? CFPB to Gut Arbitration in Consumer Financial Contracts
10 May 2016
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Satish M. Kini
, Gregory J. Lyons
, Maeve O'Connor
Debevoise Publishes Spring 2016 Edition of UK, US and Hong Kong Banking Litigation, Regulatory and Competition Law Update
April 2016
Lord Goldsmith KC
, Karolos Seeger
, Christopher Boyne
, Robert Maddox
, Paul R. Berger
, Helen V. Cantwell
, Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Robert B. Kaplan
, David A. O'Neil
, Jim Pastore
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Bruce E. Yannett
, Mark Johnson
, Philip Rohlik
, Emily Lam
, Timothy McIver
, Anne-Mette Heemsoth
Laws on Arbitration Reform in Russia Adopted
16 February 2016
Mark W. Friedman
, Lord Goldsmith KC
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jane Shvets
Federal Law on Jurisdictional Immunities Adopted
8 February 2016
Mark W. Friedman
, Lord Goldsmith KC
, Mary Beth Hogan
Supreme Court Rules that Unaccepted Rule 68 Offers of Complete Relief Do Not Moot a Plaintiff’s Case – But Payment of Full Relief Just May
25 January 2016
David H. Bernstein
, Jeffrey P. Cunard
, Courtney M. Dankworth
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Maura Kathleen Monaghan
, Erol Gulay
Recent Decisions Create Further Uncertainty on Question of Whether Internal Reporting Triggers Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Anti-Retaliation Protection
20 January 2016
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Law on the Procedure for Review by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of Enforcement of ECHR Judgments
21 December 2015
Mark W. Friedman
, Lord Goldsmith KC
, Mary Beth Hogan
The “Yates Memorandum”: Has DOJ Really Changed Its Approach To White Collar Criminal Investigations and Individual Prosecutions?
15 September 2015
Helen V. Cantwell
, Matthew E. Fishbein
, Bruce E. Yannett
, David A. O'Neil
, Paul R. Berger
, Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Mark P. Goodman
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Robert B. Kaplan
, Satish M. Kini
, Andrew M. Levine
, Michael B. Mukasey
, Jim Pastore
, Colby A. Smith
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Erich O. Grosz
, David Sarratt
Second Circuit Creates Circuit Split on the Question of Whether Internal Reporting Triggers Whistleblower Anti-Retaliation Protection Under Dodd-Frank
11 September 2015
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Debevoise Publishes UK, U.S. and Hong Kong Banking Litigation, Regulatory and Competition Law Update
3 August 2015
Mark Johnson
, Courtney M. Dankworth
, David A. O'Neil
, Tony Dymond
, Lord Goldsmith KC
, Christopher Boyne
, Helen V. Cantwell
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Bruce E. Yannett
, Karolos Seeger
, Robert Maddox
, Timothy McIver
, Anne-Mette Heemsoth
Financial Regulators Issue Final Standards for Assessing Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices of Regulated Entities
17 June 2015
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
SEC Brings First-of-Its-Kind Action for Confidentiality Agreement that Discourages Whistleblowing
6 April 2015
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
SEC Brings First-of-Its-Kind Enforcement Action for Agreement that Interferes with Whistleblowing
April 2015
FCPA Update - Vol. 6, No. 9
Mary Beth Hogan
, Jyotin Hamid
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
CFPB May Look To NY For Its Own Debt Collection Rules
7 January 2015
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Andrew M. Levine
Third Circuit Affirms Enforceability of Pre-Dispute Arbitration Agreements for Whistleblower Claims Under Dodd-Frank
17 December 2014
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
New York’s New Debt Collection Rules Extend Well Beyond the FDCPA and May Influence the CFPB’s Rulemaking
10 December 2014
Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Andrew M. Levine
DOJ Proposal Shows Focus on Individuals in Corporate Crime
30 September 2014
Helen V. Cantwell
, Matthew E. Fishbein
, Mark P. Goodman
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Andrew M. Levine
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Bruce E. Yannett
, Kristin D. Kiehn
, David Sarratt
, Jacob W. Stahl
CFPB Proposes Auto Finance Larger Participant Rule, Releases Fair Lending Supervisory Report and Proxy Methodology
22 September 2014
Helen V. Cantwell
, Courtney M. Dankworth
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Satish M. Kini
Provocative DOJ Proposal Aims to Hold Financial Services Executives Criminally Liable, Even Absent Criminal Intent
22 September 2014
Bruce E. Yannett
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Helen V. Cantwell
, Matthew E. Fishbein
, Mark P. Goodman
, Andrew M. Levine
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Kristin D. Kiehn
, Jacob W. Stahl
Inside 2nd Circ Ruling on Overseas Whistleblower
21 August 2014
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Second Circuit Holds Whistleblower Anti-Retaliation Provision Does Not Apply Extraterritorially
19 August 2014
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
A Novel Suit: Cities Try on the FHA for Size
29 July 2014
Mary Beth Hogan
D.C. Circuit Upholds Privilege Protections in Compliance Investigations
3 July 2014
Helen V. Cantwell
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Andrew M. Levine
, Bruce E. Yannett
, Paul R. Berger
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Municipalities File Fair Lending Lawsuits
26 June 2014
Mary Beth Hogan
SEC Warns Against Interference with Potential Whistleblowers
6 May 2014
Kenneth J. Berman
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Jyotin Hamid
, Michael P. Harrell
, Mary Beth Hogan
Head of SEC Whistleblower Office Warns against Interference with Potential Whistleblowers
24 April 2014
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Supreme Court Gives SOX Whistleblower Provision Expansive Reading
7 March 2014
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
CFPB Begins Comprehensive Rulemaking Process on Debt Collection
12 November 2013
Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Satish M. Kini
, Courtney M. Dankworth
Financial Regulators Issue Proposed Standards for Assessing Diversity Policies and Practices of Regulated Entities
1 November 2013
Eric Dinallo
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Gregory J. Lyons
SDNY Holds Anti-Retaliation Provision of Dodd-Frank Does Not Apply Extraterritorially
24 October 2013
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Colby A. Smith
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Circuit Court Adopts Narrow Interpretation of Anti-Retaliation Provision of Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Rules
October 2013
Financial Fraud Law Report
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Circuit Court Adopts Narrow Interpretation of Anti-Retaliation Provision of Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Rules
19 July 2013
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
The CFPB Issues Bulletin on Indirect Auto Lending and Compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
27 March 2013
Mary Beth Hogan
, Satish M. Kini
CFPB Issues Final Rule Establishing Ability to Repay and Qualified Mortgage Standards
16 January 2013
Mary Beth Hogan
, Satish M. Kini
, Erol Gulay
New Law Protects Privileged Information Submitted to the CFPB from Waiver Claims
20 December 2012
Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Satish M. Kini
Work Emails to Spouses May Not be Protected by Marital Privilege
14 December 2012
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Provision And Court's Broad Interpretation
27 October 2012
The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, John S. Kiernan
, Colby A. Smith
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Court's Broad Interpretation of Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Provision Could Prompt More Employee Claims
2 October 2012
Jonathan R. Tuttle
, Colby A. Smith
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jyotin Hamid
Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Issues In Leshinsky And Asadi
25 July 2012
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
Dodd-Frank’s New Whistleblower Protections: Guidance on Extraterritoriality and Retroactivity
17 July 2012
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Jonathan R. Tuttle
New York Court of Appeals Holds That Martin Act Does Not Preempt Private Common-law Causes of Action
23 December 2011
Helen V. Cantwell
, Eric Dinallo
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Erich O. Grosz
Wal-Mart v. Dukes: A Giant Win for Wal-Mart; Smaller Steps for Everyone Else
20 June 2011
Anne E. Cohen
, Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
The Financial Institutions Report
Volume 5, Number 5, May 2011
Jyotin Hamid
, Burt Rosen
, Robert J. Staffaroni
, Paul L. Lee
, Gregory J. Lyons
, Satish M. Kini
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Nicholas F. Potter
U.S. Supreme Court Examines the “Cat’s Paw” Theory of Employment Discrimination
3 March 2011
Mary Beth Hogan
, Jyotin Hamid
Bruesewitz v. Wyeth: Express Preemption Returns to the Fore
23 February 2011
Maura Kathleen Monaghan
, Roger E. Podesta
, Mark P. Goodman
, Anne E. Cohen
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Kristin D. Kiehn
New Financial Reform Legislation Provides Whistleblowers with Expansive Protections
21 July 2010
Mary Beth Hogan
, Jyotin Hamid
Second Circuit Splits From Third Circuit to Hold That Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Are Non-Exempt Employees
7 July 2010
Mary Beth Hogan
, Jyotin Hamid
Federal Appeals Court Holds That Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Are Exempt Employees
May 2010
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
How Stengart Changes Employees' Privacy Expectations
27 April 2010
Appellate Law360 and Employment Law360
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
They're Getting Paid HOW Much? Executive Pay Under Fire
20 April 2010
Corporate Counsel
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
, Shannon Rose Selden
N.J. Supreme Court Rules Employees Have Expectation of Privacy on Company Computers
31 March 2010
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
Federal Appeals Court Holds That Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Are Exempt Employees
4 February 2010
Mary Beth Hogan
, Jyotin Hamid
The New York City Civil Rights Restoration Act Grows Teeth
July/August 2009
New York State Bar Association Journal
Jyotin Hamid
, Mary Beth Hogan
Broad Whistleblower Protection under the Federal Stimulus Law
26 May 2009
New York Law Journal
Mary Beth Hogan
, Jyotin Hamid
Wyeth v. Levine: Not the End of Preemption and Not the End of the World
10 March 2009
Maura Kathleen Monaghan
, Roger E. Podesta
, Mark P. Goodman
, Anne E. Cohen
, Mary Beth Hogan
Broad Whistleblower Protections under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
3 March 2009
Mary Beth Hogan
, Jyotin Hamid
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Debevoise & Plimpton
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