ESG Resource Center

Debevoise has deep experience in the broad range of issues that arise as environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns and requirements become increasingly important. The firm brings together sophisticated, multidisciplinary and multinational teams with expertise in private and public company governance, asset management, private funds, compliance and enforcement, public and private international law, sustainability and environmental matters and labor and benefits issues. We provide tailored and practical guidance across the evolving ESG and business integrity spectrum by counseling on trends and prudential issues, delivering concrete legal advice on evolving regulations and policies, and helping clients prepare for the legal, financial and reputational risks arising in this rapidly changing landscape.

To sign up to our ESG Weekly Update, which summarizes the latest ESG developments each week, click here.

Resources by Subject

  • Latest
  • Anti-Corruption
  • Bank Regulatory
  • Board Considerations
  • Business Integrity
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Data Governance /
    AI Compliance
  • Disclosure Requirements & Considerations
  • Employment and Workplace
  • Environmental & Climate
  • Funds Regulatory
  • Impact Investing
  • Insurance Regulation
  • All

Resources by Type

  • Representative ESG Matters
  • Articles
  • Webcasts

Weekly Update

For past editions of our ESG Weekly Update, see here.

To sign up to future editions, click here.

In the news this week:

  1. U.S.: California Proposes Legislation Delaying Climate Disclosure Laws—The proposal follows an earlier statement by Governor Gavin Newsom that the initial timelines were unfeasible.
  2. U.S.: Judge Dismisses Anti-ESG Lawsuit against New York City Pension Funds for Lack of Standing—Plaintiffs alleging pension fund mismanagement failed to show fossil fuel divestment and net-zero goals constituted harm.
  3. U.S.: Federal Banking Regulator Hints at Potential Challenge to State “Anti-discrimination” Laws—Head of U.S. banking watchdog suggests preemption powers could solve increasing “polarization” of the financial system. 
  4. Brazil: State of Paraná to Establish Country’s First Subnational Biodiversity Credit Program—Brazil will begin implementing legislation to offset corporate impact on nature through a biodiversity credit scheme.

Click here for more details of the above stories.

Reports and Tools

The Debevoise ESG team remains committed to developing reports and tools which help to further the wider ESG conversation, and provide organizations navigating their way through the full scope of ESG issues.

Below are links to a selection of these reports and tools, many of which have been developed with our friends and colleagues outside the firm.

Biodiversity 101: A primer exploring recent biodiversity developments and considerations for companies and financial institutions looking to design their own biodiversity strategies.

U.S. Climate Regulatory Guide for Banking Organizations: A guide in conjunction with the Risk Management Association reviewing key climate change-related regulatory developments for banking organizations.

SFDR Compliance for US Funds: A White Paper exploring how the European Union’s SFDR presents practical challenges for US asset managers that raise capital in Europe

Business Integrity Screen: A tool aimed at navigating the increasing complex issue of the management of business integrity risk and its many legal dimensions.

State-Level ESG Investment Developments: A tracker mapping key ESG developments in U.S. States.

ESG Investigations Tracker: A tracker tracking investigations focused on whether certain ESG practices violate U.S. state and federal laws.

ESG Comparative Guide: A guide published with Global Legal Post, examining ESG regulatory developments across 18 jurisdictions.

Key Contacts

A broad range of lawyers across practices, industries and geographies advise clients on ESG considerations. The key contacts below serve as the core members of an interdisciplinary ESG group.

Related Practices & Industries

External Resources